The detour

detour picture

Detour #

Sorry for the detour. It has been almost a month since I last posted, and I have been thinking of what to use as an assessment for the first month of HTML & CSS. It was challenging to develop an evaluation because I avoided tutorials. At the same time, I will need a way to measure when I have reached competence in HTML & CSS. The way to measure this will be as follows.

Assesments #

  1. Making a site from a snapshot of a design on

  2. Finding an issue that involves HTML & CSS on an open source project on GitHub and fixing that issue.

  3. I will also build websites for myself, friends, and family that will carry over for the next tutorial hell phase, Javascript.

Resources #

To gain these skills as quickly as possible, I looked for resources that would put me straight into building code and preparing to work with GitHub and Git as soon as possible, so I cut the list to four resources. The first resource is for reference and research. The second resources are a more visual reference guide, which is and The third is a site dedicated to implementing design and putting into practice the HTML & CSS, and I do this by using It has a constructive community and has me working with git and reading other people's code on design implementation. The fourth and last resource I used was This site has you evaluate different sites and try to clone parts of or all of the sites. This resource helps me use the dev tools, explore the code, and get different ideas on how they built it. The links to all the resources I am using are below. As I start working through them, I will detail how I use these resources throughout the 30 days.

Mozilla Developer Network

Frontend Mentor



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